Well, I am excited about today's topic. It's going to be all about the cure for anxiety. Boom. There it is. A big one, right? Huge. Actually here in Western culture it’s epidemic. The amount of phobias everyone is dealing with… It's crazy, isn't it? I talk to so many people, family, friends, or just people that we meet through, this business and a lot of them just say it is just an anxious feeling. They don't even know what the source is - they just wake up with anxiety. As they go through the day it plagues them - so let’s figure out the cure for that anxiety.
There IS a cure and it is once and for all.
And what's amazing is, it doesn't matter if it's a phobia, if it is a chemical imbalance…maybe you're thinking I'm just afraid to go outside or I'm afraid of those three holes on the back of an iPhone. (Yeah, it’s a real thing. I Googled it) but most of the time we don't even know where it's coming from.
Anxiety could be things that you are aware of or it could quite literally just be this feeling of doom and gloom and it just takes over your life and you just basically feel like crap all the time and you don't know why.
There is a cure for it and the reason that I am so sure of this, is because I've been doing this for 20 years. In fact, I'm the founder of Kinetic Belief method and I have helped tens of thousands of people; not only here in the United States but worldwide.
We've got a lot that we're going to be covering today. I'm going to do my best to squeeze it into just one blog post, but if you've only got four or five minutes to be here us, please come back and catch up. You don't want to miss today's post because we are going to absolutely reveal the cure for anxiety.
One time somebody said…”Oh, I just have this anxiety. What should I do?” And their friends said, “well, you should probably eat right. Exercise, get sunshine, don't just stay at home. Turn the lights on, socialize, become gregarious." And then they responded, “I think I'd rather have anxiety.” - just a little anxiety joke to kick us off.
First of all, it's so important to understand and to realize that you are not one of the masses. You are someone that is special. You are an individual. There are no spiritual birth defects. In fact, you were created magnificently perfect. Your ideas are unique. There is genius in every single person and it's so important that you stir yourself up in that every day before you even get out of the bed. Realize and recognize and admit to yourself that you are amazing. You are beautiful. Your ideas are worthy, worthy of being expressed.
There are, what I like to call, border bullies in everyone's life. Those are the people that have access to you and for whatever reason (it could be their low self esteem, it could be because they're wanting to manipulate and control you, or maybe they just are afraid of you becoming their competitor.)
All of it comes back to the point - you are in a world that competes one way or the other and that competition creates an unwarranted amount of stress and anxiety. A lot of it we cannot of pen point, we don't even know where it's coming from but that IS the catalyst.
The root issue for most of us, is not recognizing, realizing how special we are. We find ourselves pinging off of the ideas and opinions of other people, which then, becomes an affront to our own self image and this affront creates anxiety, worry, depression…all of those things that we're dealing with. Remember, a feeling of worry comes from believing in the “uncertain outcome.”
If you're told you're not worthy, if you're told that you are not smart enough, that your ideas suck, that they're not up to standard. If you're told this and you believe it, then it's always going to result in this uncertainty or an unexpected outcome to your labor or to your efforts.
Let's say you've got a job and it's paying you $60,000 a year and you're continually being told that your ideas are not up to par - that they’re not as good as someone elses. Then, the backstabbing, the, the gossip at the water fountain, all those things result in anxiety and eventually in an "uncertain outcome.”
The first thing we do, is deal with those negative influencers, by recognizing that - guess what - your ideas are amazing and there is a genius on the inside of you. And that's where we begin today.
We have already hit on the importance of individualism and that every person has their own unique giftings and purpose. Maybe you’re thinking…”It’s really hard sometimes, going throughout the day when you feel like you're just lost in the crowd, lost in the noise of society. There are billions of people in this world and sometimes it's hard to believe that, that you matter.”
What we all need to know and understand, is that we MUST go through the process of trying to unload this unnecessary anxiety, because it leads to health problems, mental issues, and makes for a negative existence.
There's an actual substance to all of this and it's being attracted by the individualism of who you are. And so it's already there and it's already accessible. The challenge is to leap-frog over the negativity, that has formed in your life. The negativity that you've been allowing to come in and bombard your thoughts…not only in the workplace, not only in traffic, but on television, in the news and politics, at home and with family.
Let’s say you have the holidays coming up and you're already anxious about the conversations that you're going to have with siblings or with mom or dad and most of all…the perceived judgements that you believe other people are going to be passing on you. Be it true or not, it's still real to you.
There's a real substance to these interactions. So the revelation of who you are and what your individual beautiful purpose is in this life, is going to be the beginning of the answer to accessing all of your hopes and your aspirations for change - and once and for all, rolling all the cares in your life off of your back.
Then, start using your best imaginations for creating the most perfected life that you could possibly live while on planet earth. These imaginations should now be setting the bar for where you begin tomorrow and the next day and the next day. You get up every morning now, with this high expectation of self, not others, but of self. However, it’s not because you're getting up to go out here and change the world or change the ideas and opinions of other people. When you want change, you are readily moving into a position of changing yourself, changing your own expectations for self - not to meet the expectations of others, but your own expectations.
I just heard someone say….”Whoa there, hold up. QUESTION: What if I’m sitting here, feeling a heavy burden sort of just sitting on me. What's the first step toward moving those cares off of me? How do I just roll them off?”
Well, the first step is, again, putting yourself first place. Let's say for example in the workplace, you're not writing the paycheck to yourself every week - So in turn many people think, “well, I've got to be a people pleaser. I've got to please the boss or I've got to always be pleasing my spouse.” You're seeing yourself as the one that's doing all of the pleasing. That's the first place you have to go - you are the number one person in your life. And if you have to “unbecome” (check out the podcast on Unbecoming) some relationships, get rid of some things in your life in order to create a vacuum so the universe can pour this good substance in of your desires back into that vacuum, then that's where you begin.
Become a positive believer for your best life. That is the only option for beginning to, to roll the cares of the world off of your back. And because the perfected life is one where you advancing your sound mind, in a strong body and you're advancing your own purpose and your will - if you're doing all of that then you're transforming your soul.
You must determine to become a better representation of your uniqueness. So you’re not trying to conform to the ideas and thoughts and opinions of others, but conforming to your individualism.
Maybe your wondering…”What would you say to the person that says, you know, making yourself the number one person to please is it sounds kind of selfish?”
That's a great question! Because the world would have you to believe that improving yourself or enriching yourself is selfish. However, someone telling you that you're selfish by doing this…they are really the selfish being, because they're wanting you to expend your energy, effort, love, wealth on them.
If you're not building yourself up to become the best version of yourself. If you're not enriching yourself so that you can travel the world and expand your horizons, then you will have less to give of yourself. Put your yourself in first place so that you can be a benefit to other people.
There's something, mystical about this. It is a very real paradigm. The world that we're in, has two forces at work. There's good and there's evil. Most people are under the influence of one or the other and are not even aware of it.